Clearmind Technology, Inc. Blog

Clearmind Technology, Inc. has been serving the California area since 2011, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

3 Strategies to Win When You Have Too Much to Do

3 Strategies to Win When You Have Too Much to Do

Have you ever felt like there was simply too much to do and unless you light a fire under your butt, you have no chance to get it all done? What if this state is standard operating procedure? For many small business owners and employees, this is the reality of going to work every day. In this week’s blog we thought we would discuss three strategies that work to lighten the load when it seems like the to-do list is just too big.

Work When You Are Most Productive

When there is a lot to do, it is easy to get distracted trying to get everything done. One of the best ways to gain the focus needed to get this work done is to work when you work best. Different people are more productive at different times of the day. Scientifically this is called biorhythm.

A person’s biorhythm is separated into three parts. There is the physical cycle that measures energy levels, endurance, strength, and dexterity. The emotional cycle covers your emotions, stress levels and moods. The intellectual cycle measures things like decision making, problem solving, and your ability to concentrate. These three biorhythm cycles work on different timelines, but if you can pinpoint the maximum highs and lows, you can plan to work on tasks that take a certain skill at the time you can maximize your ability to complete them. 

Prioritize Importance of Tasks

One of the best things to do before you get down to business is to ensure that you do the most important tasks first. The simple reason for this is that when you set out, you don’t have the hours and hours of work under your belt that could kill your concentration. If you come at the most important parts of your day with the vigor you have when you first start it will certainly benefit your overall productivity. 

One very simple and effective way to prioritize tasks is through what is called the Eisenhower decision matrix. Named for former U.S. President and Commanding General of the Allied forces in World War II, the basic gist is that you prioritize tasks based on this criteria:

  • Important
  • Urgent
  • Important and Urgent
  • None of the Above

By focusing on the important and urgent tasks first, you will be able to get a good start whittling down the task list and do so while your brain is fresh. 

Stop Reacting to Everything

Distractions can hinder progress like nothing else; and, today, there are more distractions than ever. If you are facing a mountain of work and need to get things done, you will want to limit the amount you change what you are doing as to give your best attention to the thing you are working on at the time. Business may not allow you to simply ignore things while you are working, but it doesn’t have to keep you from being productive. 

The best way to accomplish this is to set aside time in the day to respond to situations. You can’t possibly do your best work if you are stopping mid-task just to answer questions and handle other situations. Your best bet is to set time out of your day where you turn your notifications off and utilize the do not disturb functions that you have available to you. The more you set your sights on accomplishing the planned tasks, the better you will perform. 

At Clearmind Technology, we help businesses by helping reduce downtime and proactively keep an organization’s technology working effectively. Give our professional technicians a call today to get the technology your business needs to be its most productive.

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Clearmind Technology has been serving the California area since 2011, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. It's always been our goal to provide enterprise-level IT practices and solutions to the small business sector, with small business prices.

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